Starting the Ranch
Founders and Directors Matthew and Micheline had been praying for years to have a tangible way to reach out and help children. Matthew and Micheline attended a seminar at Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Oregon in 2010 and they knew exactly how they wanted to connect with broken children - through broken horses. The initial plan was to build a barn on their 20 acre property in New Sewickley, PA but after 5 years of arguments from neighbors and the township, God led the Ranch to a new location. Minutes from Brush Creek Park in New Brighton, PA, Matthew happened upon a 50 acre horse farm for sale. It was on a road he rarely used but found on Mother's Day 2014 while he was taking the kids out for the day to give Micheline a break. Prayers were answered!
The new location of RYYR needed a lot of work but through the efforts of board members and volunteers progress has been happening. We grew from zero to 8 pastures, leveled the hayloft and stalls, put in drainage around the barn and footing in the indoor arena, and added a run-in shelter and an outdoor arena - God is good!
Current projects include permanent walls for the new round pen, and installing fans in the indoor arena. Our dreams for the future include heating the indoor arena, trail obstacles around the ranch, extending summer pastures, and footing to manage mud in winter paddocks.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”