Meet The Herd

Click on the photos to read their stories - see one you love? Help care for them by Sponsoring a Horse!

JULIET: before and after her rescue in 2015 REMI: before and after (adopted January 2020)

In Memoriam


(2000-2024) Juliet was a Morgan mare with a unique color - she was called a Dappled Palomino. She was a show horse experienced in Western and English classes winning many ribbons and contests. But she (and Romeo, who since has been adopted) had to be removed from her owner's custody when she was neglected, and were rescued by another organization in 2015. Once she and Romeo were back to good health, Hog Heaven spread the word that they were looking for a good home for both. When they first arrived at RYYR in January 2016, their names were Cody & Lollipop. They were very herd bound to each other, perpetually calling out to one another from their stalls and pacing in the stalls as well, thus we named them Romeo and Juliet. Juliet had a special gentleness with people, though she could be ornery with other horses! She loved being groomed and was easy to lead or bathe. Juliet was a great teacher for many children and adults, gentle on the ground, eager to go under saddle, and in later years always willing to serve whether being brushed, painted, led by small children, teaching a first canter, or showing her expert poles and barrels knowledge no matter the rider. Her calm, kind, sweet nature shone brightly in her last years as her sassiness faded once she learned to fully trust people again. Many people have be blessed over RYYR’s 8 years with this special horse.


(2001-2022) Zeba was an older Shetland pony mare who we received as one of a pair from Personal Ponies. Personal Ponies is a national non-profit for the rescue and placement of minis and ponies. Zeba and Latte were living in Illinois with a family that had adopted children with a variety of disabilities. Both ponies were instrumental in helping the children with various issues such as balance and fear. Latte was adopted by a volunteer, but Zeba stayed on at the ranch teaching many young children over the years. As she got older her allergies worsened, so she moved in retirement with a family who could take care of her needs. They showered her with love and gave her the best care possible. On August 19, 2022 our dear Zeba completed her service here on this earth. After lots of different respiratory treatments, therapies & time, she was unable to recover from an illness. This little lady touched many souls while serving at RYYR. We were blessed to have the time that we did with her. Zeba was the sweetest horse and just had such a lovely glow about her.

Psalm 34:18• The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.•


Our beloved Lazarus is now in his final rest. It is with great sadness that we tell you that Lazarus big body could no longer hold out. We know that he had a wonderful year and a half with us. In all things we rejoice and thank the Lord for the gift of his life. He is at peace.

Lazarus was a Percheron gelding who was given his name en route to the ranch in January 2020, after he fell down in the trailer and became cast. Micheline tells the story:

“This horse whom I had named Levi, short for Leviathan, spent over three hours down - most of the time this means death. Over the course of three hours he tried getting up so many times but kept falling back down until he was exhausted and began to give up. With his mouth slack, Levi lay flat out on his side and closed his eyes. He was giving up! Even I had given up hope! Even the vet had started talking about "options." It was dark and we were all freezing. I had been praying since the moment we pulled over. Angrily, I looked skyward and shouted at God, "You called me to do this ministry! You took Pansie last year! WHY WHY WHY would you let this happen?!!!!!!!!!"

John 9:3 "…but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.“

All hope was gone but my GOD was not! He was there the whole time even when I couldn’t feel him! When I asked him to show me he was there....LEVI SHOT UP OFF THE GROUND! I witnessed a MIRACLE this night!!!!! I wish you all could have been there!

Ladies & LAZARUS!”


(2006-2018) Pansie was a Belgian mare draft horse, loved by all who met her. Pansie was the true example of the “Gentle Giant” She didn’t know that she was 18 hands high and weighed 1800 lbs. She was a PMU foal. Pregnant Mare Urine is used in the creation of Premarin, a man made replacement hormone for humans. Although we do not object to its use, we do abhor the method used to collect it. Mares are kept perpetually pregnant and stalled 24/7 for urine collection. As soon as possible after the foal is born, it is removed from the mother and thrown in with other foals until they are sold. Her previous owner purchased her and gave her a loving home for 8 years. Pansie was donated to us is 2014, and made a difference in the life of many volunteers and children with her huge heart and gentle soul.